CRC 1080 Events

In addition to the following past events, the members and associated members of the CRC1080 also have access to a great variety of neuroscience research topics that are covered by up to 12 different seminar series in the Rhine-Main area. Lectures offered in Mainz, Frankfurt and Darmstadt during the semester include:

International Symposium   |   03-05 July 2024

To appropriately conclude the CRC 1080 program, an esteemed international symposium will take place at the MPI for Brain Research. Eight renowned international guest scientists, along with regional researchers not part of CRC 1080, have been invited. Themed "From Development to Homeostasis," the symposium promises inspiring talks and poster presentations showcasing the work of young CRC 1080 scientists. See here for more information.

rmn² 8th Biennial meeting   |   12-14 June 2024

It has become a tradition for the annual rmn2 meeting to convene in Oberwesel, facilitating collaborations among rmn2 researchers and young investigators. This gathering fosters scientific exchange through engaging talks, poster sessions, and now includes a Science Slam as a new addition to the agenda.

Please click here for more information. 

rmn² 7th Biennial meeting   |   8-10 July 2022

After two long year's we are looking forward to meeting the rmn2 Neuroscience Community for a productive and educational three-day event in beautiful Oberwesel. 

Please click here for more information. 

International Symposium |   23-25 October 2019

The event was well-attended and we are especially grateful to our guest speakers who enhanced the event. Information about the event can be found here

rmn² 5th Biennial meeting   |   13-15 June 2018

The rmn2 Neuroscience Community met yet again for a productive and educational three-day event in beautiful Oberwesel. 

Please click here for the programme and click here to visit the rmn2 website for more information about the event. 

Genome Engineering in Zebrafish  |   June 2017

This international workshop on genome engineering in zebrafish - which included talks and guidance from internationally renowned scientists in the field - was hosted by Amparo Acker-Palmer and Erin Schuman from the CRC 1080 at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research. Programme here

On-site visit from the DFG   |   August 2016

This event was the culmination of the efforts and advances of the past four years. The on-site visit saw our project leaders making their pitch for further funding based on the successes of the 2013-2016 funding period and their well-laid out plans for 2017-2020.

rmn² 4th Biennial meeting   |   June 2016

Oberwesel saw the best and brightest of the rmn2 Neuroscience Community meet yet again for a productive and educational three-day event. 

Please click here for the programme and click here to visit the rmn2 website for more information about the event.

International Symposium   |   October 2015

Feedback from October’s international symposium was incredibly positive. This was – in no short measure – due to our securing  of a number of internationally outstanding colleagues (including Eve Marder) as guest speakers. Programme here.

rmn² 3rd Biennial meeting   |   June 2014

The 3rd Biennial Meeting, which took place in June 2014 in Oberwesel, proved to be an inspiring event for the rmn2 Neuroscience Community. The event was heavily attended by 1080 project leaders and their scientific support staff with feedback being extremely positive.

Please click here for the programme and click here to visit the rmn2 website for more information about the event.

Autumn Retreat   |   October 2013

Following on from a strong start to our first year together, the 1080 held an “Autumn Retreat” for our CRC members and associated parties, as an opportunity for our project leaders to share their results and for us to explore some of the themes presented. Programme here.

Inauguration Event   |   March 2013

March 2013 saw the CRC 1080 hold its first official event bringing together all of those involved with the collaborative research centre. The event was hosted by Erin Schuman at the Max Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt. Programme here.